Cartotecnica Veneta S.p.A considers environmental protection and sustainable development of the territory, in which it operates, to be of primary importance.
The company is committed to minimizing the negative impact of its business activities on the environment.
In 2016, it undertook and obtained the Integrated Environmental Authorization (A.I.A.) for the San Pietro in Gu’ facility, and in 2019, it obtained the Unified Environmental Authorization (A.U.A.) for the Carmignano di Brenta facility.
The company adopts an environmental management system in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree 152/2006 (c.d.T.U Environment) and takes a precautionary approach to environmental matters. It promotes environmental protection awareness and encourages the development and diffusion of environmental-friendly technologies.
Cartotecnica Veneta S.p.A. implements a policy to reduce CO² emissions and water consumption, as well as a sustainability policy in the procurement of raw materials.

Environmental sustainability
The company is committed to buying certified paper to responsible forestry standards and has been certified since 2010.
Environmental sustainability is seen as an important commitment that the company takes on day after day.
For years, the R&D sector has been dedicated to finding new compostable, recyclable, eco-friendly solutions: changing course is not an option rather a necessity.